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Improving the cultural responsiveness of critical thinking pedagogy

Prior to this engagement, D & G presented evidence-based research concluding that critical thinking pedagogies, while improving achievement for non-Māori students, lowered achievement for Māori students.


As a result, D & G, in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tūāhuriri, was funded by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment to pilot an approach for improving achievement for Māori students while still teaching critical thinking skills. The resulting programme was run with science teachers at secondary schools within greater Christchurch, and focused on using place-based education to incorporate more culturally responsive teachings of critical thinking into their pedagogy and course content.

D & G partnered with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tūāhuriri over two years in an effort to review and improve the cultural inclusiveness within secondary schools’ science education. D & G firstly conducted secondary research to draw from past literature and case studies. Secondly, we delivered workshops and remote support for science teachers at secondary schools throughout greater Christchurch, which included coaching teachers on more culturally responsive strategies to incorporate into their teaching. Finally, we produced a range of documents that on best practices for applying and evaluating the teaching of culturally inclusive critical thinking skills.

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