Teacher Aide PLD
Please note that the Teacher Aide Professional Learning and Development Fund 2023-2024 has now been fully allocated as of June 12 2024. The Ministry of Education are currently not accepting any new applications for Teacher Aide funding.
D&G Consulting provides teacher aides with Professional Learning and Development courses in three areas:
Neurodiversity, Behaviour, and Gender Diversity.
Courses are available for schools and Kāhui Ako across Aotearoa
We have 2-hour in-depth introduction courses and half day masterclasses with opportunities to have facilitated discussion groups. In each area we have:
1. In-depth introduction courses that cover both introductory information and more complex concepts
2. Masterclasses that cover all of our content in a 3-4 hour class and dive deep into these areas
Certificates of completion are provided for all courses.
Kōrero and kai
Our shorter courses have an add-on option of 45 minutes of discussion over kai if in person. These are designed to be safe and friendly, but also challenging for teacher aides to share knowledge and perspectives and learn from each other.
While we initially hoped to meet most people in person and facilitate larger groups of teacher aides, busy schedules have made this difficult. We now offer one-on-one PLD sessions to better suit teacher aides across the country and give more tailored information.
Design your own!
We are also able to create bespoke PLD courses for your school, Kāhui Ako, or other groups to meet your needs for PLD in the areas of neurodiversity, behaviour, and/or gender diversity.
Use the enquiry form at the bottom of the page to inquire about tailor-made PLD.
Use the buttons below to view our courses and make an enquiry about PLD for your school or Kāhui Ako.
Alternatively, you can e-mail Jordan at jordan@dandgconsulting.co.nz.