Development of Effective Learner Profile for Ōtākaro Cluster
Ōtākaro Cluster is comprised of ten kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in east Christchurch. Desiring to improve the transition between schools and enhance students’ learning outcomes, the cluster contracted D & G to develop an Effective Learner Profile, which identified the characteristics most important for a student to be successful.
D & G executed a multi-stepped engagement to create the Effective Learner Profile. Firstly, we analysed all ten schools’ guiding documents, such their charters and strategic plans. We then incorporated their content in designing questions to ask stakeholders that would assess the qualities of an effective learner at each schooling level. Secondly, D & G conducted focus groups with students across all schooling levels, as well as interviews with each school’s staff and senior leadership. Next, D & G analysed all findings into predominant themes, and tested their validity in a quantitative survey to determine which learning behaviours were most indicative of effective learning, as well as which behaviours were most recognised and rewarded in current educational practices. Finally, we constructed a final Effective Learner Profile that consisted of three key values underpinning five focus areas.
All kindergartens and schools accepted the profile, and have used the model to inform ongoing cluster professional development and pedagogical focus.